The short film honors the work of Miss. Ella Baker, the mother of civil rights. She mentor Rosa Parks, Dr. King. John Lewis, and Diana Nash. Her support for women who stood up against a man-dominated leadership movement during our most turbulent times. Supporting Fannie Lou Hamer and Angela Davis released from prison. Her willingness to understand how important of a role she played will never be put on full display because of her unwavering commitment to equality for women and the unrepresented. She felt she could best serve as a soldier then a leader. She felt leadership was having to show fake smiles, fake love and fake support for those who are the driving force behind the unjustified treatment of Black people.

Martin Luther King
Played By
Tony Browley
Coretta Scott King
Played By
Sandra L Simpson-Leary
Julian Bond....Sherrod Simmons

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John Britton........Ronald Lavender
Diane Nash....Marie Crowley
Stokley Carmichael.... Jeffrey Wall

Ralph Albernathy
Played By
Otis Simpson
Fannie Lou Hamer Andrew Young
Played By Played By
Tomeka Allen Carlton Ballard

Kathleen Cleaver....Paris White

Myrlie Louise Evers....DeeDee Walker

Reporter........Sarah Olsen
Ella Baker Tickets
Camillia Carter
As Ella Baker

Ms. Camillia Carter
will be playing Ella Baker

Fannie Lou Hamer
Played By
Tomeka Allen
Ralph Abernathy
Played By
Otis John Simpson
Andrew Young
Played By
Carlton Ballard

Reporter........Sarah Olsen

Myrlie Louise Evers....DeeDee Walker